8 Years of Heartbreak - Part 2

Where did we left off?? Oh yeah... the first time i spoke with that 'Rangga' :) And yes, I was fluttering, butterflies in my stomach and such, I just couldnt describe the feeling I had that moment. I watched him walked away, frozen, standing there, still couldnt believe myself that he just spoke with me. and after a while, he turned and looked at me, puzzled and asked " why are you still standing there... come on... we both late for the class!!" I startled, fumbling with words and ended up only nodding. I walked behind him to the classroom and kept on slealing glances at his back, his wavy hair, not too long and not too short with sweat dripping as he was walking in a rush through the staircase. He turned and I immediately lowered my gaze, keep on walking fast, unaware that he just stopped and I ended up bumping his back. He startled and I stuttered apologize but he laughed. I looked at him and wondered why was he laughed. he looked at me and said " I think we got the wrong floor, this is the third and the class was in the second floor." I again nervously nodded and we rushed back to the staircase and walked to the second floor. I entered the classroom, walking behind him, and all eyes went straight towards us. we suddenly became the center of attraction.


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Budaya Alay dan Pembodohan Generasi Muda